NEPCO pioneered the use of wood fiber-based products for contact bedding in laboratory research and has been an accredited supplier to the NIH for over 40 years.
The experience and expertise gained by 60+ years of manufacturing wood beddings has enabled NEPCO to revise and continually improve its methods, facilities and techniques. Wood fiber beddings are held to the highest standard in the industry and NEPCO products consistently meet these standards.
All NEPCO wood fiber beddings are processed from debarked, virgin logs that have not been exposed to chemicals or fertilizers through their life cycle. The raw material is obtained from primary lumber mills to eliminate the possibility of any chemical treatments or additives to the wood.
All equipment used in the transport and manufacture of wood beddings is dedicated to this purpose, ensuring an unadulterated, consistent end product. The process is a closed system which reduces the possibility of contamination, and all facets are continually monitored.
Heat treatment to 800°F reduces bacteria and dehydrates the product, which enhances absorbency and shelf life of the bedding. And careful sifting and aspiration ensures a clean and dust-free end product.
Wood bedding remains the most cost-effective product on a cost-per-cage basis. A variety of configurations of wood beddings in either chip or shaving form is available for almost any application. All beddings are packaged in autoclavable bags and can be safely sterilized.
Alpha Chip, Aspen Chip and Beta Chip are processed from virgin wood to create a comfortable habitat with a natural appearance that is compatible with all small animals, including transgenic breeds. These small chip beddings are heat-treated to reduce bacteria and enhance absorbency and aspirated to remove dust. With its proven track record of superior performance, the free-flowing chips are compatible with most bedding dispensers and are ideal bedding for ventilated rack systems.
Contact Bedding Processed from Virgin White Pine Chips
Raw Material
Standard Particle Size
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Package Type
Laboratory Analysis
Contact Bedding Processed from Virgin Aspen Hardwood Chips
Raw Material
Standard Particle Size
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Package Type
Laboratory Analysis
Contact Bedding Processed from Virgin Hardwood Chips
Raw Material
Standard Particle Size
Package Size
Package Type
Laboratory Analysis
Aspen Shavings and Pine Shavings contact enhancement beddings are processed from virgin wood to create a comfortable habitat with a natural appearance that is compatible with all small animals, including transgenic breeds. These high-performing light shavings create a pillowed type of bedding that is heat-treated to reduce bacteria and enhance absorbency. It is aspirated to remove dust and the shavings are compatible with most bedding dispensers and are ideal bedding for ventilated rack systems.
Contact Bedding Processed from Virgin Aspen Hardwood
Raw Material
Standard Particle Size
Package Size
Package Type
Laboratory Analysis
Contact Bedding Processed from Virgin Aspen Hardwood
Raw Material
Standard Particle Size
Package Size
Package Type
Laboratory Analysis
Contact Bedding Processed from Virgin White Pine Softwood
Raw Material
Standard Particle Size
Package Size
Package Type
Laboratory Analysis
Irradiated bedding is sterilized contact bedding that is processed from virgin hardwood. It is available in Aspen Chip and Aspen Shavings’ varieties. The irradiation dosage is 15 kGy minimum internal dose. All product receives a lot number and is sent for sterilization. Irradiation sterilization indicators, which have been placed on all packages, will turn from yellow/orange to red. A certificate of irradiation is available for all lots and double-walled packaging preserves sterility of inner contents.
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ASAP proudly serves commercial biotechnology customers from Eastern Pennsylvania to Delaware, Maryland, D.C. and Virginia. We cannot accept orders from the general public. Sales territory restrictions may apply.
Fax: 215-804-0148
Animal Specialties And Provisions
600 Commerce Drive
Quakertown, PA 18951
ASAP proudly serves commercial biotechnology customers from Eastern Pennsylvania to Delaware, Maryland, D.C. and Virginia. We cannot accept orders from the general public. Sales territory restrictions may apply.
Fax: 215-804-0148
Animal Specialties And Provisions
600 Commerce Drive
Quakertown, PA 18951
Animal Specialties and Provisions.
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